The Ascent Gully: Metes-And-Bounds Vacations

Obviously, I am not in a hurry to write these days, because it involves a modicum of distraction-free time, and I’m quite busy being outside without having to worry about writing about it! #guideproblems EphemerADK is all about helping folk to fill the vacation time they crave, and we’re on it. Add to that the electronic, training, and fiscal requirements of a NYS small business, gear repair and improvement, and just-sheer-cussedness of wanting to have a little fun, and keyboards can go by the wayside.

UPCOMING EVENTS include star parties for private clients and VT state parks, the odd climbing day, boating and hiking and berrying, marking up those maps, and even (gasp!) a few personal days with my partner Natty B on the Northville/Placid Trail in August. Making all those things line up with suitable snacks and weather is hard but doable- all you need are clear boundaries!

In real estate, Metes-And-Bounds describe a piece of property exactly, with measurements, directions, landmarks, and compass bearings so there is no real wiggle room for interpretation or argument about what and where something IS. Having these limits gives structure to something structure-free. “The opposite of my Vacation!” people may crow, but this s at the heart of what makes trips relaxing and fun versus a trial and tribulation. How many times have trip planning discussions devolved into yielding of precedence and desire until NOBODY gets what they want? The Dreaded Abilene Paradox!!!

Abilene is a lovely Texas town in my experience, but according to the Paradox, nobody wants to go there for Chinese food and yet they always seem to end up there by compromise. Don’t set your vacation boundaries by what you DON’T want to experience: rather focus with candor on what you DO want to get out of it and go there!

As always, we can help you line things up and get you as close as you want as you want to that ideal. See you on the trail, under the sky<3

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At The Portage

A portage path is a noble torture… Noble, because it shows our ability to search beyond our sight and knowledge for new

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